Tuesday, May 18, 2010

WTF Report

Today is Visit Your Relatives Day.

American Idol's back tonight and the top three finalists each perform
two songs.

A report says Australian airline Qantas Airways reuses its plastic
cutlery. In its defense, the airline said the plasticware is made of
sturdier stuff than your usual disposable tableware and subject to a
strict cleaning process. Isn't this really a psychological thing?
We're just used to tossing plastic forks and washing metal ones,

A North Carolina waitress lost her job after complaining about a lousy
tip on Facebook. She complained about a couple sitting at her table
for 3 hours and only leaving $5. What's the dumbest thing you've seen
someone post about their employer or a customer on Facebook?

Paramedics in New Jersey were slow responding to an emergency call
because a bear kept them trapped inside their ambulance building.

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