It's Chocolate Cake Day.
Apple will unveil something today, probably a tablet device...and the world awaits...not that any of us can afford it.
Minnesota's Jeremy Baier is enduring the Great American Burrito Challenge. All week he's consuming three Chipotle burritos each day. It's a charity stunt to benefit the Children's Hospitals and Clinics of about a gut bomb DAMN!
A Polish funeral director opened the coffin of a 76-year-old man to retrieve items for the family and discovered the old guy was still alive. He'd been pronounced dead by a doctor after he collapsed near his of my greatest fears right there
Neil Patrick Harris and Joe Jonas are the guest judges on tonight's (Wednesday) American Idol....was Avril Lavirne just soooo not good or like what?
Historically Avatar has now made the most money, but Gone with the Wind still holds the record for the most tickets sold. GWTW sold over 202 million; Avatar's sold just over 76 steps young Avatar I guess I'm gonna have to go see what the hype is all about
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