It's National Pizza Week.
James Cameron's Avatar broke through the $1 billion barrier over the weekend. Cameron's Titanic made $1.8 billion worldwide.
The world's tallest building will open today in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The Burj Dubai is about twice the height of the Empire State Building with an exterior covered in about 26,000 glass panels....LET ME GUESS YOU CAN SEE IT FROM THE PYRAMIDS
Some Russian guys have invented a two-seat pedal-powered submarine capable of diving up to 100 feet....paddle boats were NEVER ment to go UNDER the sea...LOL
In an incident reported by an Italian website, PlayStation consoles were being used for shipping cocaine throughout the country...and you thought the PS3 was expensive??
A new season of The Bachelor kicks off tonight on ABC....people still watch that? Can't we just put Monday Night Footbal in reruns??
A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.
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