It's been revealed that a late billionaire in Hong Kong gifted millions to her feng shui master. He got more than $300 million; she was hoping he could help her live longer...thats subjective...longer than what?
Bernie Madoff's in prison for the rest of his life and his wife will have to learn to live on $125,000 a year. The Wall Street Journal says that's how much she'll earn off the interest of the $2.5 million she was allowed to keep. Sounds like she'll be downsizing....joining the rest of us little people
A Suffolk, Virginia, burglar was likely trying to phone a friend with his victim's cellphone when he accidentally took his own picture. He's not been caught yet, but his picture's been publicized...what a time to remember his buddy's birthday.
Get ready for more Michael Jackson than ever. Coming will be never released songs, an album and DVD of his final concert tour rehearsal, a TV special, and more....as if there was ANY doubt...I mean even 'Idol' came back.
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