Miss California USA Carrie Prejean was fired by Donald Trump Wednesday. Pageant officials said she hadn't been holding up her end of the pageant agreement...holding up her end...nice choice of words
Feeling down? There is a real site full of real (slightly outdated) "good news". It's also obvious who's operating it: http://www.gnn.com
The Army has ordered its IT people to give soldiers access to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.
A recent report from Pew Internet and American Life Project shows 7% of us use the Internet as our primary means of social communication...and we wonder why obesity is rampant in our culture???
A cardboard cutout of Brad Pitt dressed as policeman is being used in Omsk, Russia, to get speeding motorists to slow down. It's working...I doubt its because of who it is...unless ladies were the predominant offenders.
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