Chace Crawford will star in the Footloose remake, taking Zac Efron's place...yeah I wouldn't want to be the next Kevin Bacon either.
Your boss would like to know what you're tweeting. More than half of bosses surveyed think they have a right to know how employees portray themselves and their companies on sites like Facebook and Twitter....Bosses is sooo paranoid...LOL
A guy in Pennsylvania has pleaded guilty to fraud for forging authors' signatures. In one case the man bought an original copy of Interview with the Vampire for $46 and then sold it on eBay with a fake Anne Rice signature for more than $500 dollars....the only reason its a crime is because Anne Rice didn't get her cut...
So why are Americans so tubby? Ready? Research presented last week in Amsterdam said the obesity epidemic in the U.S. is due solely to ... increased food intake....Brilliant
In Pennsylvania, state police are looking for a man who passed a $20
coin. That's right, there's no such thing as a $20 coin. The guy bought an ice cream and convinced the owner the coin was just entering circulation...too bad you can't arrest the ice cream man for being gullible
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