It's National Teacher Day and Cinco de Mayo.
A new survey shows the French love food and sleep more than just about all others. According to the study Norwegians spend the most time at leisure activities while the French spend the most time in bed and the most time at the my flight to Norway now, LOL
Spending on Mother's Day is expected to be down nearly 4% this can they even project something like that??? Mom should NEVER be a cutback
On Samsons Island in Satellite Beach, Florida, there's no plumbing. So to adhere to environmental standards the city installed an $18,000 "composting" outhouse...recycling and living green at its FINEST!!LOL
Mine That Bird will run in the Preakness Stakes. Industry experts say that'll likely help TV ratings for the May 16 event as even casual fans tune in to see how the surprise Kentucky Derby winner does...because that's now the deciding factor instead of the horses well being.
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