It's National Boston Cream Pie Day...mmm my fav
Balloon Boy Sheriff Jim Alderden posted a note on the sheriff's office website talking about the weirdos who've been calling and emailing him since the hoax. He says the best came in from a guy who claimed he had proof Hillary Clinton was an alien....???
In theaters this weekend: Amelia (PG); Astro Boy (PG); Saw VI (R); Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant (PG-13); Good Hair (PG-13, wider release)
Procter & Gamble's looking for a Charmin Ambassador to hang out in Times Square bathrooms over the holidays and greet people. You'll also tweet and Facebook your experiences. The gig pays $10,000... I'd do it just to be in NYC
A small New Zealand town has canceled its annual dead rabbit-tossing contest. Animal welfare advocates were upset with The "Rabbit Throw" we have to protect dead animals???
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