Gadgets with no power cords? A company named WiTricity is working on wireless electricity and says it should be commercially available soon....I think this idea is brilliant!!!!SERIOUSLY
First it was cell phones; then texting; then cell phones that play video and surf the web. Now Nokia is demonstrating a 3D cell phone...I thought EVERYTHING in reality was 3D????
NASA is tracking part of an old rocket that could be a bit too close to the docked shuttle discovery and International Space Station. They may move the two today (Thursday)... I thought they were kidding when they said there was a lot of space debris up there. Has anyone looked into the possibillity of that causing some of the global warming???
The World Gravy Championships have wrapped up in Lancashire, England. Who won isn't important. I just want to know what they did with the more than 500 gallons of gravy they used.
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