Today is Left-Handers Day.
A new study says when we're making small talk with strangers, we tend to lie to each other about three times every 10 minutes...MAKES YOU WONDER WHAT THE NUMBERS SAY ABOUT LAWYERS???
Not to freak you out or anything but NASA estimates that there are about 20,000 asteroids and comets in our solar system that are potential threats to our planet...WHERE IS BRUCE WILLIS WHEN WE NEED HIM
A remake of Poltergeist will hit theaters in November, 2010...YEAH CUZ THAT ENDED WELL FOR ALL INVOLVED?!?!?
In Oregon, sheriff's deputies responded to a call from a woman who said her boyfriend had caught a burglar in their garage. The male burglar was wearing nothing but a pair of underwear. Women's underwear...SO THATS WHAT HAPPEN TO THE PANTY RAID
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