Fox TV says it'll blow off President Obama's 100th Day in Office speech Wednesday night. ABC, NBC and CBS will air the prez...Afterall the President has never got the ratings that American Idol has pulled.
Everyone is feeling the effects of the recession -- even landfills, which are laying off employees and cutting hours because you and I are repairing and reusing stuff we used to throw out...No doubt I can't tell you how much duct tape is on my headphones
In Forth Worth, Texas, a young girl was riding with her grandma in an SUV when granny passed out. Eight-year-old Emma Hicks un-buckled, hopped into the front seat, took the wheel and steered the truck into a fence, a shed and some wood. Emma and grandma are doing fine...and no one thanks Grand Theft Auto for teaching her??
Hugh Jackman's gonna skip the premiere of X-Men Origins: Wolverine in Mexico City Wednesday. It has been postponed indefinitely because, well, you know....I can't blame him
Today Poetry Reading Day.
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