Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
WTF have we done this year??
"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."
Abraham Lincoln
Albert Einstein once said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
We all had HOPE....Here is to a strong, prosperous, and helpful New Year in 2010.
If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem ~Bruce Willis in DIE HARD
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
WTF Report 12/18
The classic Frosty the Snowman airs on CBS tonight.
In theaters this weekend: Avatar (PG-13) and Did You Hear About The Morgans? (PG-13)
One of Tiger Woods' mistress, Jamie Jungers, tells Life & Style that when they'd wake up in the morning he'd like to munch on cereal and Popsicles while watching cartoons... I feel a Cap'N Crunch endorsement coming
Officials at a Phoenix high school are looking into why a music teacher with 23 years experience took her students to lunch at Hooters following a performance... Hope the answer is better than "they have good wings"
The malls will be packed this weekend -- the last weekend for holiday shopping.
Its only a rumor, but an "inside source" says Spider-Man 4 has been put on "indefinite hold" due to arguments over the villain between Sony execs and director Sam Raimi... My favorite are The Scorpion or The Shocker
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
WTF Report 12-16-09
Don't forget to buy your ticket for only $5 It's the Magic FM Christams Miracle for Megan. She desperately needs your monetary help to get a bone marrow transplant and for her recovery from leukemia. The 5 dollars gets you into Mr. Biggs to enjoy Jason Castro headlining a holiday concert. 989magicfm.com has more details....or check out
this Help her if you have the means....
Today is National Chocolate-Covered Anything Day....mmmm chocolate
Time magazine announces its Person of the Year this morning...probably NOT Kanye to the..
A new survey of children around the world shows the top gift request to Santa is video games while the second choice is Legos....BFB will be sooo happy he has like-minded family (your kids)
Now Tiger Woods' mistresses are getting endorsement deals. Las Vegas "model" Jamie Jungers inked a deal with BidHere.com, an Internet auction site...Tiger's loss is their gain I guess...although didn't they do the same thing Tiger did???
Kate Gosselin has a houseful, but she's lonley. A friend tells Life & Style that night time, after the kids are in bed, is a lonely time for Kate... I can't be mean on this one, it's a tough transition and usually the first Christmas is the hardest
The season finale of So You Think You Can Dance is on Fox tonight...so if you don't win you can't dance??? I've just never understood...at least with American Idol all it was is that you just weren't the biggest Star...whatever
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
WTF Report 12-15-09
Golden Globe nominees are announced today...yippee!!!
RadarOnline says 40-something Theresa Rodgers is the fourteenth woman to be romantically linked to Tiger Woods. She also carried on the longest affair with Tiger: five years...doesn't he have a six year old???
A safety group says the number of children being injured or killed by TVs is on the rise, probably because old, heavy TVs are being pushed out of the main living area and onto old furniture that's not as stable... No wonder my mom always said TV would damage me..
Police in Florida said they arrested a woman for obstructing an investigation the other day. Her name: Merry Christmas...Her cousin Mistle Toe is crazy too
The New York Film Critics Circle says the Best Film of 2009 was The Hurt Locker...I never know the movie they pick
D.J. Michaels
Overnight Operations
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Weekend Report
Michael Jackson will be among the recipients of a lifetime achievement award at the 2010 Grammys...LONG overdue
So far some 700 retailers have signed on for Free Shipping Day, which is December 17 this year: http://www.freeshippingday.com ...if only it orginated from UPS or something so we could take advatage of sending something
The US CDC said Thursday that the H1N1 flu has killed nearly 10,000 Americans.
The Salvation Army of Denver said anonymous donors dropped three rare gold coins, valued between $1,200 and $1,700, into their kettles...this happens every year and its probably how I would donate, but I don't have that kind of money.
A 44-year-old Louisiana woman is in trouble after allegedly pouring a pot of hot grits on her sleeping boyfriend. Earlier in the evening he told her he was breaking up with her... you never ask for one last breakfast...now you know
In theaters this weekend: Invictus (PG-13) and The Princess and the Frog (G)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
WTF Report 12/10
Tiger Woods has been good for search engines. The CEO of Yahoo says Tiger is fueling more visits to the website than Michael Jackson's death... I gotta be honest its Bing or Google for me
One of Tiger Woods' girlfriends says he was always having to change his phone number. Jaimee Grubbs said Tiger changed it four times while they were 'dating'...I think celebs are just naturally paranoid
General Mills will reduce the sugar content in 10 of its cereals, like Lucky Charms and Cocoa Puffs...say it ain't so, GM
An Ohio library finally got the biography "Napoleon" back -- after 60 years. The package had a Beverly Hills, California, postmark...what's the late fee on that???
D.J. Michaels
Overnight Operations
Monday, December 7, 2009
WTF Report
It's National Brownie Day.
The New York Post claims Tiger Woods may have as many as nine women in the picture. And RadarOnline.com reports Tiger's wife has moved out of their house near Orlando... I would too, the one in San Diego is much nicer...LOL
Authorities in Michigan are searching for a man with "very crooked yellow teeth and bad breath" suspected of robbing the same bank twice. Oh, and they say he "looks and smells dirty."...My Aunt Kathy???No its Michigan...whew
The DVD Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Julie & Julia, & Public Enemies (Johnny Depp) are out today...cast a spell, cook a turkey, & a crime spree...livin' the life
Sunday, December 6, 2009
WTF Report 12-6-09
Today is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.
If the stories are true, the number of women Tiger had relationships with is now at six...isn't that more women than green jackets???
A 33-year-old orangutan named Nonja has over 40,000 fans on Facebook. Fans can check out pictures she's taken because her Austrian zookeepers gave her a camera to play with: http://j.mp/7UuSf4..counting how many have a finger over the lens...
In its third weekend The Blind Side starring Sandra Bullock topped this weekend box office... I've heard she likes being on top...oh we weren't talkin about that???
Friday, December 4, 2009
WTF Report 12/4
A source says Oprah Winfrey wants Tiger Woods to sit down with her and has personally reached out...and I'm sure Dr. Phil is next or will be a guest that same day
In theaters this weekend: Brothers (R); Everybody's Fine (PG-13); Armored (PG-13); Transylmania (R)
A British psychologist said his research indicates foot movements are one of the most powerful indicators of whether a woman finds a man attractive. Women tend to move their feet away from their bodies when speaking with someone they find attractive...spread em baby...was that too far???
An Arizona woman was cooking up some pancakes when she noticed an image resembling the Virgin Mary on one of them. It's now in her freezer until she figures out what to do with it... so basically pending an ebay upload...LOL
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
WTF REPORT 12-3-09
It's National Apple Pie Day!....mmm I could eat pie ALL DAY
Susan Boyle sold 701,000 copies of her first album, I Dreamed A Dream, in it's first week of U.S. release -- the best of 2009....take that Lil Wayne
An anonymous donor left nearly a pound of marijuana in a 2-gallon jugat a Goodwill Industries thrift shop in Ohio. Cops say there's no way to track the "donor"...thats a way to get peace on earth and Goodwill toward man...LOL
A man is accused of breaking into a home in Florida and taking a shower. He told the homeowners President Obama let him in....who was let in by the Santa Claus, right??
Global Language Monitor says the most popular word of 2009 is Twitter. It was heard, used and spoken more than any other word. Second was Obama....NOW THATS AN OBAMA-NATION...yeah thats kind of a bad joke..but its all I got
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